Art Nexus

Beatriz Gonzalez


Beatriz González (born 1938) is a Colombian painter, sculptor, critic, curator, and art historian.


González is often associated with the Pop Art movement. She is best known for her bright and colorful paintings depicting life in Colombia during the war-torn period.

Beatriz Gonzalez
Title: Anteproyecto para un mueble inmueble, (Preliminary Project for a Real Estate Piece of Furniture)
Medium: Silkscreen on Fabriano Rosaspina paper
Year: 2019
Dimensions: 99 x 68.58 cm
Price: US$ 1,500.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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Anteproyecto para un mueble inmueble, (Preliminary Project for a Real Estate Piece of Furniture)