
Patricia Camet


Patricia Camet is a Peruvian artist born in New York in 1962. She holds a Master’s Degree in Art from the School of Design in Rhode Island. She lives and works in Lima.


Heir to the Spanish and German informalist and gestural tradition in the second half of twentieth century, Rafa Forteza is considered one of the most significant creators of contemporary Spanish art, establishing a clear dialogue between abstraction and figuration, but also an intense debate between reality and concept.

Patricia Camet
Title: Emoticons / Panel 113
Medium: Molded ceramics, glazing of various colors using the pre-Columbian technique of black burnished engobe
Year: 2011-2018
Dimensions: 100 x 100 cm
Price: US$ 5,750.00

Other works of Ponce+Robles

Other galleries

Galeria Forum
Aina Nowack /AAC Galería de Arte
Galeria Berenice Arvani
Luz Verde
The Blink Project
Emoticons / Panel 113