Personnart Escritório de Arte

Andréa Araújo


Born in Guarujá, SP, Brazil, the artista Andréa Araújo graduated in advertising and later in Plastic Arts at Escola Panamericana in São Paulo, Brazil. Restless since when she was a kid, founded her great passion in the arts. Her creativity was pointed by her Grandmother, who followed her on their first experiences with paints and brushes. Those good feelings and emotions are engraved in their soul and motivated her to go along with her artist call. Andréa Araújo is abstract in her style of contemporary art, with a strong intuition and sensibility, where she finds her artist identity. 

This union with the brush mekas the perfect combo who originates her creativity process, bringing a personal form of feel and reflect the art, who exhales from her soul, throughout her colors and emotions. Andréa is an artist with multiple talents. Very determined, brave, fair, decided and engaged, who keeps surprising us with her will to learn and paint. Her eyes shine when it comes to art and painting. 

She likes the organic, the sinuous, the hot and the sensual, the ironic and a bit of the provocateur. That's her work. Always has been a lot visual, who likes to frame life and the things that surround her, like portraits, especially if they are curves. She Likes the contrasts of the bright and the dark, and plays with the tones because it shows the ups and downs, the doubts, the questions, the mistakes and successes who make who you are. 

Always changing and moving, the ideas pop in her mind and her heartbeats speeds up and everything is clear and transformed in art on her paintings. The process "Fluxo" has the same name of the exhibition realized in 2019 at Pinacoteca de Santos, in Santos, Brazil and it is due from a personal and intimate reading of her own life. Whe are in a flux of life and in every moment this flux takes another form and sense. Sometimes more straightfull, other times, tortuous, or even serene. The idea is to approach the flux of life, with a strong and distinctful color. In this series the artist chose the yellow, to compose with nuances of black and grey, the flux of their works.


Happy, intense and restless. Andrea Araújo has a marketing and a fine art degree from the Escola Panamericana, São Paulo. When she was young, took part in art saloons in Santos, Brazil, where she was recognized for her talent and dedication. The artist, now mature and aware of her work, dives in the art universe and reinvents herself, with her artistic identity who walks with her since her childhood. With an abstract technique, strong institution and sensibility Araújo finds her way through the art.

Andréa Araújo
Title: Fluxo 21
Serie: Fluxo
Medium: Acrilic on canvas
Year: 2020
Dimensions: 120 x 100 x 3.5 cm - 47 x 39 x 1.18 in
Price: US$ 1,430.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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Fluxo 21