Galeria Caribé

Uiso Alemany


Born in 1941


Uiso Alemany is a Valencian man who chose a city in São Paulo to work and live long seasons. His love for Brazil has been going on for many years. It all started in Recife, then he tried Salvador and, currently, São Paulo, where he created this new suite of drawings and paintings. This restless creator has already experienced the atmospheres of Africa, Cuba, Lisbon and his own land, a Mediterranean city in Valencia, where in his atelier (a shed surrounded by a huge vegetable plantation) he works frantically in large-scale works, a kind of laboratory, surrounded by the most diverse and unusual materials. Uiso Alemany comes from the tradition of the famous dense and tragic painting of Spain in the 60s. Years later he incorporated the experiences of an inveterate traveler around the world into his works, seeking new challenges.

Uiso Alemany
Title: S/T
Medium: oil on wood
Year: 2006
Dimensions: 150 x 180 cm
Price: US$ 100,000.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Galeria Caribé

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Unit24 Gallery
Imaginart Gallery
LURIXS: Arte Contemporânea