Artmedia Gallery

Claudia Ammirata


Claudia Ammirata lives and works between Miami and Caracas. She started photographing at a young age while living in Paris, France. She pursued her interest in photography by taking courses at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, California. Her first solo exhibition, Fix Me, was presented at Artmedia Gallery, Miami, in 2019. Her work has been included in group shows and art fairs, such as: PhotoPlace Gallery OPEN, PhotoPlace, Middleburry. VT, 2020; PINTA Miami, Crossing Cultures, Miami, FL, 2021, y Women of Vision. Inside | Outside, Doral Museum of Contemporary Art, Fl, 2022. She is the author of the book Ephemeral Beauty, edited in 2017.


Realizing that all exists in transience, flight, and disappearance, ignited within me a profound certainty that both the moment and our bodies are ephemeral and that our memories of the past will grow more and more distant.
Along with those moments that will be definitely lost in time, this sense of impermanence motivated me to record situations that manifest themselves poetically, focusing on capturing the essence of instances that otherwise would never be the same.
It was also in my interest to find elements that could somehow connect us to other people’s past. Objects and garments could link the lives of those who’re no longer here with our own life in the present. While those things might pass from one generation to another, sadly, the fragility of our experiences will inevitably continue to fade towards oblivion: there’s no beauty without death.

Claudia Ammirata
Title: Il Suo Tempo
Serie: Sense of Impermanence
Medium: Archival FineArt Print, Fine Art Baryta Satin
Date of print: Aug 2021
Capture year: Venezia, 2019
Dimensions: 76,2 x 101,6 cm
Edition: 1/3
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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Il Suo Tempo