Aina Nowack /AAC Galería de Arte

Ides Kihlen


Born in the province of Santa Fe in 1917, Ides Kihlen studied with the great Argentinean painters of her time at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Later, she studied at the Escuela de la Cárcova (Buenos Aires, Argentina) with important artists such as Adolfo de Ferrari and Oscar Conti. After a figurative phase, the key to her abstractionism approach was her inclusion in the workshops of Kenneth Kemble, Vicente Puig and André Lhoté, among others. Her production remained independent of the artistic development of the time, focusing more on the processes than in the results. She has an uninterrupted artistic trajectory of 90 years.


Ides Kihlen’s work reflects her heart of eternal youth, reflecting an outstanding abstract line. Her festive and playful soul, her connection with music and air space synthesize the work os this great student, who jumped into fame belatedly in the year 2000 with her first exhibition at the Museo de Artes Decorativas in Buenos Aires.

Ides Kihlen
Title: Sin Titulo (V023)
Medium: Acrílico con recortes de papel sobre cartón
Year: 2000
Dimensions: 69,8 x 69,8 cm
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Aina Nowack /AAC Galería de Arte

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Sin Titulo (V023)