MAP - Montenegro Art Projects

Vicky Neumann


Vicky Neumann studied Fine Arts at the School of Fine Arts in Barranquilla, in Virginia (USA) and at the Marie de Paris, where she took courses in engraving and sculpture. Among multiple exhibitions in Colombia and abroad, recently stand out the retrospective at the Museo Rayo in Roldanillo (2018); in 2015, an outstanding exhibition, "Youth without divine treasure" at the National University of Bogota along with the exhibition of Oscar Murillo and in 2012 the exhibition Vicky Neumann, at the Museo de Arte de Caldas en Manizales. His works are part of important national and international public and private collections.


The work of Vicky Neumann coexists between harmony and chaos, construction and destruction. When the artist began this series, the catastrophe she wanted to focus on was exclusively environmental, and that was when the pandemic arrived with all its consequences. Neumann has always worked from photographs where she expands the limits of painting and appropriates the space, creating an atmosphere that makes the senses flow and generates a very emotional pictorial experience. In his work there is no documentary intention because the images are, in themselves, pieces of a story. The way Neumann proceeds is atypical and does not obey any norm, she focuses on her own world, imbued by her concerns, loaded with images that structure the work. Her characters are beyond satisfaction or drama, immersed in a space whose time is a perennial present, interrupted by visceral and expressive strokes. His work has been characterized by the strength of the image, the rebelliousness of his strokes and their relationship with space and the superimposition of images. In his last period the use of collage, debris and embroidery stands out.

Vicky Neumann
Title: Puerto Nuevo o Hierbas de Azotea / Puerto Nuevo o Roof Top Herbs
Medium: Bordado sobre lino / Embroidery on linen
Year: 2019
Dimensions: 173 x 208 cm

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ARTÍSTICA - espacio de arte
Aina Nowack /AAC Galería de Arte
El Museo
Puerto Nuevo o Hierbas de Azotea / Puerto Nuevo o Roof Top Herbs